Monday, August 17, 2009

Rosary Rally October 10

Hi to all my friends in Christ,

Just to let you know, Bob and I have been contacted by the organization"America Needs Fatima" to lead a "Rosary Rally" at 12 pm on October 10. I have attended one once before, and this is really a beautiful way to pray together and beautifully and peacefully remind everyone Who's really in charge of our lives!

We will be displaying a banner showing our Blessed Mother and reciting a few prayers - including the Angelus, the Rosary, and the Consecration to Jesus through Mary as written by St. Louis de Montfort, among others. We will be reciting prayer intentions, so please send yours along even if you can't attend.

I have not pinpointed the location yet - any suggestions would be appreciated. Somewhere visible, such as a mall entrance or busy intersection. I will be calling the police to inform them of our peaceful rally, and obtain a permit as necessary.

I will also try to keep updates on my blog -

If you feel shy about this, believe me I am too! But how could I say no to this call? The one I participated in was on the corner of 9 Mile and Woodward, and it was very peaceful - I may contact Michael Voris to see if we can use this spot in front of his studio, if someone else is not. Otherwise, I will try to keep it in the Troy/Auburn Hills/Clarkston area.

Please join me if you can! All that's asked for is your presence and your prayers!

And, please continue to pray for the prolife movie "Tiger's Hope" and help this project in any way you can.

God bless you all!



  1. Thanks, Andrea! I'll stay on the lookout for updates.

  2. Congratulations for your rally!

    The title of your post says October 12, but the date in the post itself for the rally is October 10.

    The date is indeed October 10.

    Thank you.
    Robert Ritchie

  3. Great Larry!

    Thanks Robert! What an awesome apostolate you serve. I am thrilled to be a part of it and thrilled you found me here. I will correct that date.
